Why Not Help Someone?

7Who can I help today, without expecting anything in return?
No reward, no future favour, not even a self-congratulatory pat on the shoulder.

If you like the idea of people helping you out of the kindness of their heart and without any hidden agenda, you must first become such a person yourself.

But don’t assume you know what others need, don’t impose your help.
Set a daily/weekly alert on your phone to remind you to look for opportunities to do a good deed with no agenda other than to contribute to the happiness of the people around you.

This is what being the change you want to see in the world means. Don’t look to others – it all starts with you.

Discipline, Planning, Action – the three words that take you from the person you are to the person you want to be. If you want help and support with that, check out these personal online workshops:

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